Wednesday, August 24, 2016



Hi, my name is Bishesh Mahato. Today I am starting a new blog. As the fan of the anime I like to start the blog which is related to anime. As a fan how hard it is to find the information about the anime and how hard it to watch the anime series. Some them have to wait for at least few months for the DVD. Now as the technology is growing it been easy for most of them to watch anime and read the manga, but for some of us it's still hard. Because most of the site are payable sites some of us can't afford it. Some of them gets lucky that the get free pirated sites which shows the anime but it won't last for month. Then again we have to go on and search for the other sites which shows the free anime. Ah... I am not here to solve that problem because it's hard for me also. I have know some of the sites which showed the anime but due to the pirated reason or some other reasons they where down. Still I haven't got it but if i find i will surely tell all of you.

The main reason I am opening this blog because we all the fans wants to read the story also that happens in the anime.And I want to do that. There are some new fans who doesn't know the story of the anime, they are told by their friends that this is nice you should watch it, and he followed the recommendation and now he is fan of that anime but don't know the starting or the things that's happened before. I am going to write the about the specific anime and give the all details about it and also I am going to write the every details of the every episodes.

I have watch lots of the anime, you name it i will write all about it. There are some of the anime which i haven't watch. if there are any anime that you want to know about it just write in the comment section and I will defiantly  write about it. I have already posted one information about the Fairy Tail and tomorrow I am going to post the first episodes details of the Fairy Tail.

If you want to know the sites that I visit to watch anime than just write in comment section and i will tell you about it. And if there is any specific anime details that you want to know then just write it in comment section then I will write as fast I could. Then see you again.

Thank You

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